Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am almost 5 weeks into the new school year.  I spent the summer trying to get the original action plan put together, but found that it was not going to be as easy to nail down and work out as I thought it would be.  It was difficult getting a specific lesson plan down that would work for the schedule for fourth grade.  In the process of developing other Action research plans for summer classes, I came across one that I believe will prove to be successful in our school and lend itself to the academic improvement of our students. 

The plan is to create two way communication with parents to increase involvement in student's academics and to involve all Stakeholders in activities that will allow students to use what they are learning in the classroom and apply it to real world activities.  Studies have been done and proven to show that as parents and the community get involved in student's learning, their academic scores are improved. 

I have met with my team and administration to propose this project.  Tomorrow, we start by sending a letter home with parents that will be attached in the Student Planner.  It explains the desire to create a two way communication between parents and teachers regarding student's academics.  These planners will go home on Wednesdays and will come back to school by Friday.  Parents are given an idea of what is being taught in the classroom.  Then parents are encouraged to engage in a quick activity with their child to "assess" if their child is understanding what is going on in the classroom.  The parents are then asked to respond, whether it is a brief note, or a written concern of what their child was able to show them. 

The idea is to keep parents informed and engaged in their child's learning.  Even with parents who don't have a lot of time, or perhaps don't usually take time to work with their students, this is a "user friendly" way for parents to get involved with the classroom. 

From here, we will go into the community to develop activities that parents can take their child to that will reinforce what is being taught at school, but is used in a real world activity.  For example, if we could find a landscaping company that is willing to take 2-4 hours on a saturday or sunday to provide an activity that will show students how multiplications and arrays can be used to arrange a flower beds or gardens.  The students and parents will work to make the plans using multiplication and then plant the flower bed.  In order to encourage the participation of parents, the business will offer parents who participate a discount for services. 

The next step is to take the list of businesses and present the idea to administration, teams members and homeroom parents to qualify those business, or come up with other business that already have a vested interest in the school and students.  Once we have come up with the names, we decide how to contact and present the idea to all stakeholders.  I have a proposed presentation outline already made to present for approval from the team. 

By the end of the week, we will see how parents respond to the journal.

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