Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Steps of Action Research

Today I spoke to several teachers that I feel could bring valuable information to meet for an initial planning meeting to discuss implementing number sense curriculum in the classroom daily.  The second grade teacher I spoke to is very interested to follow this research.  The Math recovery teacher is willing to come in and recommend daily activities and reteach activities we could do that we learned from a District paid for training we attended this fall.  I spoke with my principal about the discussions and I am set to prepare an official meeting for next week.  The only challenge I expect is from the third grade team. Just from brief discussions I have had with them, they are not sold on teaching number sense in the form of being able to solve problems in your head using number sense strategies.  They feel it causes the learning of algorithym to slow down.  This will have to be something I look into and discuss this with our K-2nd grade teams who have been teaching number sense all year. 

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