Sunday, September 30, 2012

Update on Action Research Plan -EDLD 5326

The original action research project was not working out as I had planned.  The original project was considering how developing number sense in students would benefit the learning of multiplication facts.  As a district we have been through extensive numeracy training, and several math recovery teachers have been developed throughout the district to start bridging the gaps for many of our low students.  The problem was that most of the training was geared to help students in Kindergarten through second grade.  This plan originally included meeting with lower grade levels to help develop the curriculum that would benefit 4th grade students.  We had several changes in our faculty which made it more difficult to get together.  The plan was difficult to put together effectively and seemed too vague.

I believe it could still be proven to be a valid study, however, for where we are as a school, I found that the Action Research Plan developed during this particular course could benefit our school even better.  After discussing the change with my administrator, we both agreed this would service our school more effectively.  The plan started 2 weeks ago, and so far, I have found it exhilarating and insightful.  The plan is involving parents and the community in student academics to gain success, especially among our low SES students.  The proof will be in their summative assessments, including STAAR.  I went in and completely rewrote the Action Research Plan and submitted it to TK20.  We started the plan a creating a two communication with parents/teacher by sending home a student planner on Wednesday of each week.  The planner contains information for parents explaining what we have been learning and then offers a “user friendly” activity for them to do with their child that can be as quick as 5-10 minutes.  The parents are then offered a  place where they can communicate with the teacher on how their child did with the activity and if they have any concerns.  It was explained that the parent would be partnering with the teacher to use this activity to help assess how their child is doing.  I met with my fourth grade team to present the idea and all 5 teachers were on board. 

This week was the first week the planners went home.  The responses were overwhelmingly positive and many parents appreciated the communication. There were only 1-2 parents who had somewhat negative comments, but those comments are being used as constructive criticism, and they help us analyze our teaching and to view the perspective of all parents. 

As of right now, I have to meet with a parent/teacher/administration committee to formulate a plan to involve community businesses in student academics.  That meeting is scheduled for October, with the initial meeting with community leaders being the first of November.  There are four activity dates tentatively scheduled depending on business involvement and activities planned.  The final plan is to present all data to SBDM committee the end of May to present the action research plan

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