Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I don't know why we seem to think the only time we can take a good long look at who we are is New Years. Today is a day that I am reevaluating and through my pray time and thought processes, pouring myself out at the feet of Jesus so that he may lift me up and again mold me to what he has designed me to be. With out him I am nothing yet there are times I find that I have tried doing things with out consulting the Word or followed the leading of the Holy Spirit....why do we do that especially when we know better. I loved the way the Margeret Feinberg defined it. She said it was like having Dory moments in her spiritual walk (you know, Dory from Finding Nemo) We tend to forget the things we have learned, the promises given us, the love God has for us, the sacrifices Christ made for us and more so, the purposes He has placed in us. Lord, keep your word at the forefront of my mind. Holy Spirit be my guide today. Help me recognize the works of the Enemy and know my place in your kingdom and the calling placed on my life that I may walk victoriously! I know that you have plans and you are working. May I be the help you created me to be, not a hinderence as I check my attitude and motivation for the actions I take.

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