Monday, June 29, 2009

Anything but Ordinary

This blog will be used for reflecting on an action research project I will be doing over the next few months.  The title of this blog was initially for the original reason I set up this blog, but I haven't used it in several months.  I figure the research I will be doing will be anything but ordinary so I kept the title. 
Originally the title came from a song "Open up the Sky" by Deluge that states..."We won't be Satisfied with anything ordinary...we won't be satisfied at all." I find that while this song moves me and sends me worshiping and making this strong declaration before the is harder to do. Even now while I am blogging for the first time I find that I have just had an ordinary day. I need everyday to be extraordinary for the Lord....whether in my actions, attitude or devotion to my Lord and Savior Jesus. I want to be anything but ordinary.

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